It includes large public works, dams, bridges, highways, water/wastewater and utility distribution. Industrial includes refineries, process chemical.

Education and Solutions for Age in Place Living
Education and Solutions for Age in Place Living
It includes large public works, dams, bridges, highways, water/wastewater and utility distribution. Industrial includes refineries, process chemical.
According to AARP, 90% of Seniors want to continue to live in their own homes.
But 80% of Seniors have DONE NOTHING to their homes to make them more SAFE, more EFFICIENT or to HELP THEM AGE IN PLACE.
We live about a 3 hour drive from my monther-in-laws home. What I like about it is the Handyman Service …
My wife was hospitalized with a major illness. She was not going to be able to smoke cigarettes again, and …
I am really happy with the 240 point in-home Safety Assessment. I was surprised by how many different fall risks, …
Most falls take place in the bathroom and shower areas. Grab bars when properly installed can provide the Senior Homeowner with balance and fall protection.
We install many types of grab bars that offer the support and reassurance that the Senior will be able to support themselves and not experience a slip and fall.
Seniors need sitting areas in their yard, as they might need to rest during their walk.
A bench or other sitting place allows Seniors to rest to regain strength. Take in the view.
Get Your In-Home 240-Point Fall and Safety Assessment Today !
Call NOW 979-534-2049
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The threshold-free roll-in shower is an excellent choice when it comes to remodeling and removing a bathtub with a new roll-in shower.
We can remodel your present bathroom to make it an AGE IN PLACE model bathroom with a threshold-free shower which allows more room and a way to make shower taking for a Senior,
an efficient and safety feature.
Falls happen very frequently and can cause significant medical issues including broken bones with log term hospitalizations.