Often it’s difficult for a Senior to perform minor home handyman projects.
We perform Handyman projects to full scale Senior Age in Place Home Remodeling.
Education and Solutions for Age in Place Living
Education and Solutions for Age in Place Living
Often it’s difficult for a Senior to perform minor home handyman projects.
We perform Handyman projects to full scale Senior Age in Place Home Remodeling.
High Profile Kohler with Aqua Piston Technology
Did you know that carpeting and rugs are the number one cause of trips and falls?
Falls are a leading cause of unintentional injury among adults age 65 years and older. Loose, unsecured rugs and damaged carpets with curled edges, are recognized environmental hazards that may contribute to falls. To characterize nonfatal, unintentional fall-related injuries associated with rugs and carpets in adults aged 65 years and older.
Annually, an estimated 37,991 adults age 65 years or older were treated in U.S. EDs for falls associated with carpets (54.2%) and rugs (45.8%). Most falls (72.8%) occurred at home. Women represented 80.2% of fall injuries. The most common location for fall injuries in the home was the bathroom (35.7%). Frequent fall injuries occurred at the transition between carpet/rug and non-carpet/rug, on wet carpets or rugs, and while hurrying to the bathroom.
Loose throw rugs and area carpets with curled edges or folds are among the extrinsic factors most frequently mentioned in the literature as unsafe and potentially increasing fall risk.
Research has shown that hazardous rugs and carpets may be the most common environmental hazard in the homes of older adults, with one study finding loose throw rugs in nearly 78% of the homes, curled carpet edges in more than 35%, an average of more than 11 rugs without nonslip backing in each home. These hazards are even more common in homes of frail older adults with disabilities, who are at higher risk for falls. Evidence also exists that these flooring types may increase risk of serious fall-related injury. Case control studies have found that both floor mats in hallways and bathmats significantly increased risk of hip fractures21 and that loose rugs / mats and flooring were among the most common objects in the home associated with falls resulting in hip fractures.
Falls are the leading cause of death due to injury to those over 65 years of age. Falls account for 25% of all hospital admissions and 40% of all nursing home admissions.
Fall Prevention is Mandatory as accidental falls have now become an Epidemic in America.
Currently there are 77 million Baby Boomers in America. They are retiring at the rate of 10,000 per day. According to AARP 90% of Seniors over 65 years of age, want to stay living in their homes as they age. However, 80% of Seniors have not done anything to prepare their homes for Safety or Age in Place living.
We provide an in-home assessment with 240 points, documenting many aspects of your home, including Safety Risks, Electrical and other items that might be needed to make your home more safe, more efficient and productive to Age in Place living.
Fall Prevention is the first step in home safety for Seniors. We install Senior Aids like Grab Bars in Bathrooms. The bathroom and shower area are the areas where most falls happen.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et …
According to AARP surveys, 90% of Seniors want to live in their own homes.
They are comfortable in familiar surroundings, where their children and families grew up. Where their memories are based. However, 80% of Seniors have done NOTHING, to make their homes more Safe, Efficient or Livable for the aging process.
The option is for the Senior to go to an Assisted Living Facility. There where staffing levels that do not permit caregivers to spend time with your loved one. It often is many miles from their current neighborhood. Therefore, friends and families are less likely to visit every day. The Senior loved one, is around other Seniors that they do not know. And often it’s difficult to visit with other occupants of the assisted living facility, except for either attending scheduled activities or eating meals in the dining hall.
And assisted living facilities often cost from $3,000 to $10,000 per month, depending on the level of accommodations purchased.